This exclusive design is the result of the cooperation betweenthe brand and the Gran Canaria artist Elena Ardanaz, who with its unmistakable touches of color creates an original print, a perfect combination of fashion and art, with the peculiar leaves of the pita.
The history of the Pita or Pitera in the Canary Islands is the story of a close bond shared by the plant, which colonizes the landscape of all its islands, and the Canaries Islanders in their efforts to take advantage of all the resources of nature. It was probably introduced by the conquerors of the New World on their return from Central America and quickly adapted to the arid Canary lands. With the fiber of its leaves, ropes, roofs and even nests for parakeets were made. Its sap was used to produce sugar, vinegar, tequila and as an antibiotic for its medicinal properties and was planted as a living fence to delimit land and agricultural properties. So, this terrestrial bromeliad was integrated in such a way in the landscape and in the life of the canaries, that although it is an invasive species, we feel it very much as ours.